ArgumentError: AWS EMR API Error (ValidationException): Instance type 'm2.medium' is not supported

I am trying to run EmrEtlrunner. The config file seems fine. And i get this error. My region is us-east-2 .

ArgumentError: AWS EMR API Error (ValidationException): Instance type ‘m1.medium’ is not supported in region ‘us-east-2’.

I tried changing the instance type to some thing that this region supports. e.g. t2, m2, types. But i get this smg they are not supported ( not in this region, these types dont seem supported at all ) .

if m1.medium is not supported in us-east-2 and other types are not supported by Etlrunner, what instance should i use?

After a bit of trial and error, figured out. I used m4.large and it went through. I wish snowplow sample file reflects this , as m1.medium is not supported by AWS.

Hi @ckrishnamoorthy,

Sorry for the trouble. Thank you for reporting this. Indeed machine types evolved since we created EER and our config sample got outdated. We will update it in the next release with new instance types (see the GH issue).

Cheers !

Thanks @Benb will help a lot.