Can I use the cookie extractor on Clojure (CC)?

My use case is setting some values in cookies when linking across domains (where the same collector is implemented) so that these can be loaded into the enrich process.

I came across this:

However I see that only the Scala Stream Collector is specified. Can this be achieved with Clojure Collector?

Is there another way I can achieve in sending some values from DOMAIN A to DOMAIN B, which is not through URL and it is collected and stored in Snowplow, linked to the request on DOMAIN B?

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Hi @zinkkrysty - I’m afraid not, the cookie extractor is dependent on a collector payload which contains rich HTTP header information, and currently only the SSC writes out collector payloads providing that.

I’ll leave the community to come up with some suggestions to meet your underlying goal:

Is there another way I can achieve in sending some values from DOMAIN A to DOMAIN B, which is not through URL and it is collected and stored in Snowplow, linked to the request on DOMAIN B?

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