Does the Kinesis LZO S3 Sink support reading from an "enriched" stream?

@christoph-buente is right - you can certainly use the Kinesis S3 sink to store enriched events to S3. But just a warning about:

collector -> Kinesis -> enrich -> Kinesys -> LZO/sink -> S3 -> storage-loader -> Redshift

This specific topology won’t work - because the StorageLoader doesn’t load enriched events directly into Redshift, but rather loads “shredded” enriched events into Redshift. Currently the only place this shredding logic lives is in our Hadoop Shred job, so you won’t be able to get away with not running EMR if you want to load Redshift.

This will change in the future but is still some way off. In the meantime, How to setup a Lambda architecture for Snowplow is the way to go.