Lua Tracker 0.2.0 released

Lua Tracker 0.2.0

We are pleased to announce the release of our Lua Tracker version 0.2.0

Major features added include support for POST requests, HTTPS (both now by default), and Self-Describing events, along with other general improvements to be in line with the current Snowplow tracking ecosystem.

On the dev-facing side, there have been many QoL additions such as a formatter, static analyser, moving CI/CD from Travis to GitHub Actions, implementing Micro for integration tests, and auto-generated API docs.



  • Refurbish dependencies (#17)

  • Implement Luacheck (#26)

  • Create CI (#28)

  • Replace transaction_id with event_id (#29)

  • Add HTTPS support (#31)

  • Implement Micro for tests (#33)

  • Remove unstructured event typing (#34)

  • Remove ability for user to set dtm (#37)

  • Extend micro functionality (#39)

  • Add POST support (#41)

  • Generate API docs with LDoc (#42)

  • Add support for dvce_sent_tstamp (#43)

  • Update copyright (#45)

  • Update README (#53)


  • Fix tests (#21)

  • Simplify track_unstruct_event (#49)

  • Fix missing tracker methods API docs (#51)


Documentation: Lua Tracker - Snowplow Docs

GitHub release: