Post request of tracker is also sending the previous sent data in concatination with new generated

hi, i was trying javascript tracker, and defined my tracker initializer in app.component.ts file like this

loadSnowPlowScript() {
            function(p, l, o, w, i, n, g) {
                if (!p[i]) {
                    p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace = p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace || [];
                    p[i] = function() {
                            (p[i].q = p[i].q || []).push(arguments);
                    p[i].q = p[i].q || [];
                    n = l.createElement(o);
                    g = l.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
                    n.async = 1;
                    n.src = w; g.parentNode.insertBefore(n, g);
            (window, document, 'script', '', 'snowplow_hello_angular')

    const snowplow_hello_angular = window.snowplow_hello_angular;
    snowplow_hello_angular('newTracker', 'cf', '', {
        appId: 'javascript-Test',
        encodeBase64: false,
        platform: 'web',
        sessionCookieTimeout: 10,

then i wrote a separate file for defining the different event and called this there , something like this

track_category(id, name) {
window.snowplow_hello_angular('trackUnstructEvent', {
            schema: 'iglu:in.test/myschema/jsonschema/1-0-0',
            data: {
                imgId: `${id}`,
                imgSrc: name,
                imgEvent: 'smallImg'

Its working fine the only problem is whenever it fire a event it also send the data of previous click in concatenation with new one

ex of sent data


can anyone tell how to prevent from sending the duplicate data (Already sent to collecter ) from resending ?

@tarway, I’m not sure I understand this line

const snowplow_hello_angular = window.snowplow_hello_angular;

What happens when you remove it completely?