RDBLoader failing to process SQS messages

Hi @dadasami,

How long was it taking to load a folder? It seems that visibility timeout is way too low, by the time Loader tries to acknowledge (delete) the message - it is already “lost” to SQS. In 1.0.0 we set it to 5 minutes and acknowledge after the folder has been loaded. As a result if Loader sees the message again - it just considered a duplicate and ignored, but that’s because we have a manifest in 1.0.0, R35 doesn’t have this feature.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around Shredding EMR spark config (IOException: All datanodes ... are bad) - #5 by dadasami to help you to migrate to 1.0.1.

Is there anything wrong with our SQS setup?

I think you can set visibility timeout only in code? If I’m wrong - I definitely recommend you to set to something higher.

We are running the RDBLoader on a single Fargate instance. Does it help if it runs on multiple instances in parallel?

No, certainly not. Loader is designed to be running as a singleton to avoid race conditions and overwhelming Redshift.

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