Snowplow iOS Tracker 1.7.1 released

We are pleased to announce the release of our iOS Tracker version 1.7.1 that also brings an improvement from v2.0.2 to the v1 releases.

This release fixes a bug related to a couple of methods of SPUtilities that are not accessible on v1.7 and backports a fix of a bug that prevents the tracker to get IDFA on iOS 14.


Bug fixes:

  • Fix IDFA not accessible on iOS 14 (#601)
  • Fix SNOWPLOW_TARGET not working with Xcode 12.5 (#589) (Contribution of @ejensen)


  • Test tracker v1 against demo apps v1 (#608)

1.7.1 is available on Cocoapods.

The project’s source code can be found here.