Snowplow is reporting 15% more page view numbers than GA

Hello @vivek291836,

First of all - welcome, and thanks for using Snowplow!

I would indeed start with making sure all bot traffic is excluded, as @travisdevitt mentioned. You are doing this, but - for future reference - here’s a tutorial on how to do this in SQL: Excluding bots from queries in Redshift [tutorial]

I’d then compare the number of page views for the most popular pages. This will tell you whether the difference is about the same for all pages, or whether there’s something wrong with the instrumentation on certain pages.

That said, we still expect there to be a difference between both platforms because fewer ad blockers target Snowplow. Ad blockers are getting more and more common, and can, in some cases, cause a measurable difference in number of page views.

I hope this helps.
