Snowplow Micro 1.1.0 released

To coincide with the new Stream Collector 2.1.0 release, we’re pleased to announce that Snowplow Micro 1.1.0 is now available.

This release updates the Stream Collector and Enrich components, which adds support for the new SP-Anonymous HTTP Header and various other fixes. Tracking with server side anonymisation is available in the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker v2.17.0. To read more about the new anonymisation feature in the collector, you can read more here.

Keep your eyes peeled for our blog post that will follow the JavaScript Tracker v2.17.0 for a complete walkthrough of anonymisation options available with your Snowplow pipeline.

How to update
Snowplow Micro is published on docker hub as 1.1.0. You simply need to update your docker commands to pull 1.1.0.


docker pull snowplow/snowplow-micro:1.1.0


docker run --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/example,destination=/config -p 9090:9090 snowplow/snowplow-micro:1.1.0 --collector-config /config/micro.conf --iglu /config/iglu.json

Bump stream-collector to 2.1.0 (#32)
Bump enrich to 1.4.2 (#33)
Bump sbt to 1.4.4 (#36)
Bump snowplow/base-debian to 0.2.1 (#35)
Switch to Github Actions (#34)