Snowplow Micro 1.2 released

We are happy to announce the release of Snowplow Micro version 1.2!

This release adds the appropriate CORS headers on Micro’s HTTP responses. This means that browsers should now permit hitting Micro’s endpoints from a web application without cross-origin restrictions.

In addition, Embedded Iglu capabilities were added. Users can now choose to embed their custom schemas for Micro to resolve during their test workflows.

In order to do so, they simply need an iglu-client-embedded directory (templated as an Iglu repository) under the same directory that is mounted when starting Micro. Then, they can use the usual docker command:

docker run --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/example,destination=/config \
  -p 9090:9090 \
  snowplow/snowplow-micro:1.2.1 \
  --collector-config /config/micro.conf \
  --iglu /config/iglu.json

You can find out more about how to embed your custom schemas in the Docs’ section here.

Furthermore, Snowplow Micro now features a new REST API endpoint: /micro/iglu, that allows users to check that a schema can be resolved.
Schema lookup should be in the format:


Also, starting from version 1.2, Snowplow Micro Docker images are built with multi-architecture support and can now run on ARM devices as well.

Finally, this release updates the Stream Collector and Enrich libraries, bumps dependencies to newest versions and fixes a bug affecting the error response in case of adapter failures and also the Readme link to Micro’s dockerhub (many thanks @miike).

How to update
Snowplow Micro is published on docker hub. You simply need to update your docker commands to pull the 1.2.1 tag.


docker pull snowplow/snowplow-micro:1.2.1


docker run --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/example,destination=/config -p 9090:9090 snowplow/snowplow-micro:1.2.1 --collector-config /config/micro.conf --iglu /config/iglu.json

On GitHub: Releases · snowplow-incubator/snowplow-micro · GitHub
On Docker: Docker Hub