Snowplow not firing pageview events sometime


I have switched from snowplow javascript tracker 2.8 to 2.14 . I have observed two cases which were not happening earlier.

Issue1: Not firing pageview event when some new visitor comes(i.e visits for the first time)
Issue: Not firing pageview event on page refresh.

In case you would like to check this at your end then this is the url of website where i have
deployed snowplow version 2.14

P.S: It is not happening every time. So you may try multiple times to observe this behavior by opening website in incognito.

Your help will be highly appreciated.

Amandeep Singh

Hi @Amandeep_Singh
Looking at your implementation, the page tracking looks fine. However, I’m unable to get your hosted sp.js to load. This URL doesn’t load for me:

Additionally, I’d suggest adding the version of the tracker to the URL (or filename of sp.js if that’s easier) to ensure your old sp.js isn’t being cached by browsers or CDNs. i.e. update the URL to

Hopefully that helps!

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Hi @PaulBoocock

Sorry for the late reply from my side. I wasn’t working for the last few days.

I am really sorry that couldn’t be loaded as it’s a testing server so sometimes it remains up and sometimes not.

I will try your suggested method.

Thanks and Regards
Amndeep Singh