Elasticity Spark Step: Shred Enriched Events: consistent failure without clear reason

@cmartins you need to look at the spark logs to know why it failed.

Those logs are located in the bucket you specified in your EmrEtlRunner’s config.yml (aws -> s3 -> buckets -> log).

They should be located in s3://{{your bucket above}}/j-{{cluster id}}/containers/{{application id}}/{{container id}}

Note that the application ids are numbered according to the order in which they occured, e.g. if your shred job was the 7th step, the application id will end in 0007.

Note also that the container id ending in 1 will be your driver and the rest executors.

However at first sight this looks like a cluster dimensioning issue, please have a look at this discussion to fine tune your cluster.

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