Multiple SQL Enrichments


I want to have two separate contexts in my event.
Example: I have an event which corresponds to a page_view of a story by a user. In the event itself, I would like to have two contexts, one for the user and the other for the story.


  • Story Context
    – category
    – author
  • User Context
    – gender
    – user_id
    – joined_on

Current Implementation:
I have two json files, one for the user and other for the story, in the enrichments folder. But somehow only the second one works. The first one only works when I remove the story json.

Is the second SQL enrichment config overriding the first one? How can I overcome this?

Hello @ramandamodar,

Unfortunately we cannot have more than one instance of particular enrichment enabled. We’re planning to fix this as well as implement support of dependency-notion in enrichment process later, but right right now you can only split tasks between custom enrichment such as SQL Query enrichment, API Request enrichment or JS Enrichment.

Okay @anton. Thanks.