Release of Snowplow Chrome Extension

Today we’re excited to release the Snowplow Inspector to the world. This Chrome extension makes it significantly easier to debug and decode Snowplow network requests made using the Javascript tracker by adding an extra tab in Chrome Developer tools.

Features include:

  • Support for both GET and POST requests (including batched POST requests)
  • Support for multiple trackers on the same page
  • Automatic base64 decoding and decoding/formatting of self-describing JSON
  • Mapping of URL parameter short names to full names (tv => Tracker Version)
  • Conversion of common values to more readable forms (0 => false, epoch to formatted timestamps)

We’re releasing this as open source under the GPLv3 license so if you run into any issues or have any feedback we’d love to hear it either here or over at the Github repository! More information here.


very nice! will try it out!

This is great - thanks for sharing, Mike!!! Will be super useful for debugging!

Great tool! How much time it would have saved me if I had in the past when updating event schemas and testing (decoding, formatting etc.), will come really handy.

This link seems to be broken:

One suggestion I can make - it might be useful to have events collapsed for arrays by default just showing schema, as for example when you are sending lots of custom contexts it’s a bit bulky to view everything expanded. Though quite minor thing.

Very cool, indeed.

just used this to QA a ticket going into production today. saved me a bunch of time! thanks again.

Amazing! Such a time saver!